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The A. Wilhelmsen Foundation has agreements with the following institutions:

Christian Radich


The Foundation wanted to support Christian Radich with a vision of assisting in the conservation and continuation of Norwegian maritime culture as well as marine education for young people. 


Christian Radich has with its long tradition as training ship been in a very visible position at the same time as crew and cruise abroad is giving a unique starting point to give students an exceptional experience who will stay with them. This will both communicationwise and experiencewise shape the core of this concept.


Our contribution is NOK 1.500.000,- annually from 2025 till 2027.

In addition we are supporting Windjammers "Lettmatrosprogram" with

NOK 500.000,- annually for a 3-year period (the years 2024-2026). 

Christian Radich’s story started long before the ship was built in 1937. In 1878 Norway was the world’s third largest maritime shipping nation. Europe, including Norway, noticed to a larger extent, the effects of the industrialization throughout the 19th century and trade and shipping increased. There was a large need for training of seafarers. At this time, as a result of poor the economic situation in Norway, there was a large social need for the citizens of Oslo. Five socially motivated citizens from the city created a "Commitment for Purchasing of Boats for Boys destined for Sailors". The purpose of training ships was to educate seamen for transportation and trade. Most regular vessels around the turn of the century were sailboats, and that is the reason why sailing ships continued as education ships.

Norwegian Business School BI


With effect from autumn 2010, the Foundation has entered into an agreement on a scholarship program with BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo (A. Wilhelmsen Foundation Scholarship Programme - BI). The agreement includes annual scholarships for up to two students:

Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge


In March 2019, the Foundation entered into an agreement with the University College of Sørøst-Norge (USN) on funding for a newly created position in the field of Big data Analytics for Green Ships, and beyond.


The scholarshipholder must be linked to the Faculty of Technology and Maritime Studies and lasts for 4 years. The scholarship has an compusory education on 25 % and the remaining 75 % for research.

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